mentoring coaching london creative art musician actor film maker author artist

Do you find yourself doing this?

Does this time of year help you to feel more inspired? Or do you find yourself caught in the loop of Procrastination? 

We all suffer from a lack of Motivation at times, but the real frustration sets in when we don’t bother to take the time to honour our Creativity or Unique Perspective, on a regular basis. Are you a Procrastinator? Often we get into this pattern if we don’t take time for ourselves, or the things we enjoy doing.
Do you remember WHEN you started Procrastinating?

Did you know that Procrastination is rooted in beliefs we have about ourselves? It’s a behavioural pattern that we’ve adopted over and over again, because we feel it is a safe way of dealing with uncomfortable feelings about ourselves or a situation thats happened to us.

 To resolve your Procrastination, take the time to sit with yourself for awhile, think about WHEN it started and WHY it started. Identifying these root causes and being really honest with yourself is a clarifying and often illuminating first step.

If you are having trouble with Procrastination and Motivation and need some guidance, I offer One to One Mentoring. I’ve Mentored Artists, Film-Makers, Leaders, Authors, Healers and Teachers and I can tell you that youre not alone, we all struggle with such similar issues. I offer scientifically proven methods to help get you back in the zone. It’s amazing how just one session can uplift you and put you back on track. Or reply to this post and let me know your top tip for resolving Procrastination!