1 – I’ve purchased the classes, how do I access them?

When you purchase a class or course, you were asked to set up a username and password. Keep these details safe as this is access to Your Account and this is how you access the classes. After you have completed the checkout process, you will be sent 2x emails, one with details about your Account and one about your Order. The Account email incluses a link to your Account(which you will be already logged into) and the Order email includes a button that you can click to take you to your Account(which you will be already logged into).

You will know that you are inside your Account homepage, because you will see the Account menu which includes
“Account Details” | “Courses” | “Gifts” | “Orders” | “Log out”.
The Classes and Courses you have purchased are under the “Courses” menu.

2 – How do I log into My account quickly?

You can log in quickly on any page of the Artists Resource website, by clicking the orange “My Account” in the top right hand corner.

3 – How do I get back to the My Account Homepage when I am logged in ?

Simply click the orange “My Account” in the top right hand corner of any page, or click the orange “My Account” button on the top left side of the Shop pages.

4 – Why am I having trouble playing the videos?

All you need to view the Videos is an internet connection. The faster your internet speed, the more instant your video plays. But don’t worry, if you have a slow internet connection, you may just need to wait a few minutes for the videos to load. Please note that the Videos in Artists Resource Shop play best using a Goggle Chrome browser. Please download the latest version of Google Chrome for the best experience.

5- I have purchased a Course, but all the Classes within that Course are not clickable, why can’t I watch them all immediately?

You must mark a Class as “complete” in order to access the next module or class.
You do this by clicking the big green MARK AS COMPLETE button, under the actual class video.
You can mark them complete before you have completed them, if you want to watch them all first! :)

6- How long do I have access to the classes and courses I have purchased?

Any Class or Course you purchase, gives you LIFETIME access! Leona may update or move Classes from time to time, please see the Terms and Conditions for full details.

7- I’ve lost my password or username, how do I log into my account?

Please follow the instructions on the log in page -> https://artistsresource.co.uk/my-account/ or email artistsresourceshop@gmail.com. You can also change the password under the “Account Details” menu, when you are logged in, at any time.

8- How do I terminate my account?

If you wish to cancel your account for any reason, Please email artistsresourceshop@gmail.com.
Please note that you will no longer have access to any of your videos.
Please read the Terms and Conditions for full details.